Battle Analysis

Battle Analysis videos look at a single battle turn by turn to help understand the thought process that goes into PvP.

Battle Analysis #1
Scalded Basilisk Hatchling, Sneaky Marmot, Young Mutant Warturtle
vs. Murkalot, Twilight Clutch-Sister, Blackfuse Bombling

3 Responses to Battle Analysis

  1. Gráinne says:

    That must have been a lot of work!

    The best advice I ever got with presentations was to structure them in three parts:
    1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them.
    2. Tell them what you want to tell them.
    3. Tell them what you just told them.

    And with that in mind, I would definitely show the battle up front. If it’s a battle you recorded while commenting, so much the better; your normal comments set a baseline.

    Then you have the Team Analysis section. That worked fine. This was an exceptional case, where you were specifically countering a target team after multiple repeats.You went through the individual pets and the strengths and weaknesses fine. In the general case, where you are dealing with random queues, I’d add a “Synergies” section, which kind of didn’t apply here, or extend the “Pre-battle Thoughts”, where you discuss possible intended mechanics to look out for. Like “I want to do this, and my opponent wants to do that; how am I going to try to mess up my opponent’s plan while achieving my own?”

    I wonder whether the Breed Discussion you currently leave to the end might be better integrated into the Team Analysis section when dealing with more general teams.

    During the battle itself, it was very move-by-move, and I tended to lose track of where we had come from and what was likely to happen next. I do think this will be less an issue in regular battles, so I wouldn’t worry about it, but as you discuss the situation at each move, you might occasionally throw in a casual “so I am now thinking to do A, B and C and he could now be thinking of X, Y, Z”.

    Final battle summation was fine.

    I look forward to seeing more of these!

    • Discodoggy says:

      Thanks for the detailed feedback. How do you pronounce your nom haha? I’ve wanted to mention you in a few videos but I’m always afraid of pronouncing your name wrong 😛

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