May 11, 2014

Today’s Team: Sprout At The Devil
H/H Spirit Crab (Snap, Whirlpool, Shell Shield)
P/S Highlands Turkey (Peck, Squawk, Food Coma)
S/S Sporeling Sprout (Jab, Leech Seed, Crouch)

Does having two tanks make me troll? Two tanks? Even though it’s an S/S breed the Sporeling Sprout is quite tanky. Or perhaps I should say because it’s an S/S breed it’s quite tanky. When the Sporeling Sprout is faster than the opposing pet it can have Crouch up for four out five rounds of damage. That’s four out of five rounds of taking only half damage. Combine that with the heals from Leech Seed plus the humanoid racial and you have a pet that’s really hard to take down. The Spirit Crab is also resilient, the Highlands Turkey can sometimes gain a round by putting a pet into a Food Coma. Not a ton of synergy but it’s a good enough team to win a lot.

This team has no avoidance. I hate running nto something like a Pandaren Water Spirit without any avoidance.

The Opposing Team:
H/H Fel Flame
H/H Restless Shadeling
P/P Rabid Nut Varmint 5000

The Battle:
051114BI win dumbass of the day. The battle started as the RNV 5000 versus my Highlands Turkey, only I wasn’t aware that it was a mech squirrel. I saw the icon and thought it was a critter (since the icons are the same). So rather than start out with Food Coma like I always do, I started with Squawk since critters can’t be CC’d. Wait, does Food Coma sleep critters like Moth Dust, or is it just Moth Dust that’s broken? It’s hard to keep track of the bugs. At any rate, when the RNV 5000 popped Extra Plating I finally noticed it was a mech, oops. It wasn’t that big of a deal since I was able to cast Food Coma right afterwards then swap to my Spirit Crab. I threw down a Whirlpool while the mech was still asleep. It’s nice to get a free turn when opponents don’t swap after the Food Coma hits. The RNV 5000 cast Repair. The slower Spirit Crab couldn’t force the Failsafe before the heal kicked in so all that work was for just a little bit of damage to the mech. I brought in the Sporeling Sprout to make sure that didn’t happen again. The Sprout then took out the mech without any problems and without taking much damage thanks to Crouch.

In came the Fel Flame. It got its DoTs and Scorched Earth going and I feared the swap to the Restless Shadeling, but it never came. As someone who has run a lot of Fel Flame and Plagued Blood combos before let me tell you that it doesn’t work if you don’t actually cast Plagued Blood. The Restless Shadeling just stood back there while my sprout took off a lot of health from the elemental. Finally the swap came but it was too late, too much damage had been done. The Spirit Crab came in to fight the Restless Shadeling. It used Shell Shield to block the Scorched Earth ticks so the Fel Flame didn’t get healed. After killing the Restless Shadeling the Spirit Crab threw down a Whirlpool which made any kind of comeback impossible for the Fel Flame. I started keeping W/L records for individual pets and so far the Sporeling Sprout is 8-1.

One Response to May 11, 2014

  1. rhonstifor says:

    “I win dumbass of the day. The battle started as the RNV 5000 versus my Highlands Turkey, only I wasn’t aware that it was a mech squirrel. I saw the icon and thought it was a critter (since the icons are the same).”

    I have done the same thing several times thinking my opponent had a Mech Pandaren Dragon only to see a Death Talon Whelpguard come out.

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