
Types of Synergy

Below I have listed some of the many types of synergy you can create. The more of these you have, the better your team will perform. However, you don’t need them all to have a good team.

A. Coverage

One of the most basic things to consider when trying to build synergy is coverage. Coverage is based on what type of family your pet is. You want to pick your second pet so that it is a strong counter to a pet that is strong against you. Let’s say you started with a critter. Then beast attacks are strong against you. So you would choose a pet with mechanical attacks, which are strong against beasts. Now your second pet is exposed to a certain family of attacks. Not to worry, pick your third pet to deal with that pet family. You only get three pets so the coverage has to stop somewhere.

Example 1: Start with an Arctic Hare. Since it is a critter it will be vulnerable to beast attacks. You then pick Robo-Chick (a mechanical) to attack the beasts. Now your Robo-Chick is vulnerable to elementals. You then pick an Emperor Crab (an aquatic), so he can attack the elementals.

Note that you don’t have to stay within families to use this method.

Example 2: Start with an Arctic Hare. Since it is a critter it will be vulnerable to beast attacks. You then pick the Enchanted Broom, a magic pet that has mechanical attacks to attack the beasts. Now the Enchanted Broom is vulnerable to dragonkin. You then pick Flayer Youngling (a humanoid), so he can attack the dragonkin.

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Diverse Family Attacks —–>

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