New Daily Format (kind of)

I’ve been getting a little bit bored of the daily battle lately. Today I was thinking it would be nice to do a battle log, or a challenge mode, or a team tryout. But alas, there’s only so much time in the day and I really like publishing content daily. If only there was a way to have it all… then I realized the solution is obvious. I’m still going to do a “daily”, but it won’t necessarily be the same every day. I’m going to use a different format each day depending on what I feel like doing. Here are some of the categories that I have in mind:

Today’s Team – Exactly what I’m doing right now. I’ll pick a team, discuss its strategy then queue for one battle and give a detailed walkthrough.

Challenge Mode – I’ll keep playing with different teams until I lose. My score will be my number of wins.

What I’ve Been Training For – If I have time on Tuesday I’ll document my journey to ten wins for the weekly quest.

Mini Tryouts – Like the team tryouts I used to do in 5.3 but on a smaller scale. Expect around five battles.

Five Wins or Bust – I’ll queue with different teams until I get five wins.

What’s Your Twenty – If I’m feeling really ambitious I’ll queue up for twenty battles and see how many I can win. This will probably only happen on the weekends.

The Lazy Five – Some days I feel like doing more more battling than blogging. This will be my way out. Five battles with very minimal documentation. :)

I’ll try this for awhile and see how it goes. I’m excited, I’m on a new battlegroup and have a new daily format!

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3 Responses to New Daily Format (kind of)

  1. Luthorien says:

    Hey man…I ain’t picky. Whatever you do always turns out to be cool and informative. All I know, is I need my daily fix~! 😀

  2. Discodoggy says:

    You got it!

    Somehow I managed to screw up the menus tonight. It’s late and can’t figure it out. I’ll fix it tomorrow.

  3. Discodoggy says:

    Something weird is going on with the menu bar and I can’t fix it. I redid it then it reverted back to what it is now, doh. I really don’t want to spend my Saturday fudging around with WordPress so for now I’m going to leave it as is. All content is still available through the home page.

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